v Friston Baptist Church Website

Recent Sermons


Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all long suffering and doctrine. 2 Timothy 4 v 2

Teaching Sermons

Teaching sermons are usually taken from our Lord's Day morning ministry

A video version of a recent teaching sermon is available below:

Revelation 2 v 8 to 11 (Pastor Harley)

Gospel Sermons

Usually our afternoon services have a gospel focus

A video version of a recent gospel sermon is available below:

Matthew 11 v 28 to 31 (Pastor Harley)

Bible Studies

Sermons from our mid-week ministry

A video version of a recent Bible study is available below:
Song of Solomon 7 (Pastor Harley)

Other Sermons

Special services and other ministry

A video version of a special service is available below:

4th May 2024, Church and Pastor's Anniversary (Rev. Neil Pfeiffer)

20th May 2023, Church and Pastor's Anniversary (Dr. David Allen)

7th May 2022, Church and Pastor's Anniversary (Rev. Kyle Paisley)

This Week's Sermons
14th July (Teaching Message) Matthew 11 v 28 to 31Pastor Harley Download
14th July (Gospel Message) Revelation 2 v 8 to 11Pastor Harley Download
9th July (Bible Study) Song of Solomon 8 Pastor Harley Download

Click the column headers to sort the table (click 'ID' to sort by date)

Date Type Reference Preacher Download ID (date order)
7th July (Teaching Message) Revelation 2 v 1 to 11Pastor Harley Download 2022.347
7th July (Gospel Message) Acts 4 v 12Pastor Harley Download 2022.346
2nd July (Bible Study) Song of Solomon 7 Pastor Harley Download 2022.345
30th June (Teaching Message) Revelation 1 v 12 to 20Pastor Harley Download 2022.344
30th June (Gospel Message) Matthew 9 v 13Pastor Harley Download 2022.343
25th June (Bible Study) Song of Solomon 6 Pastor Harley Download 2022.342
23rd June (Teaching Message) Revelation 1 v 7 to 11Pastor Harley Download 2022.341
23rd June (Gospel Message) Deuteronomy 32 v 9Pastor Harley Download 2022.340
18th June (Bible Study) Song of Solomon 5 Pastor Harley Download 2022.339
16th June (Teaching Message) Revelation 1 v 4Pastor Harley Download 2022.338
16th June (Gospel Message) Luke 8 v 41 to 56Pastor Harley Download 2022.337
11th June (Bible Study) Song of Solomon 4 Pastor Harley Download 2022.336
9th June (Teaching Message) Mark 16 v 1Pastor Harley Download 2022.336
9th June (Gospel Message) Hebrews 4 v 12Pastor Harley Download 2022.335
2nd June (Teaching Message) Daniel 9Mr. Steward Davies Download 2022.334
2nd June (Gospel Message) Isaiah 55Mr. Steward Davies Download 2022.333
26th May (Teaching Message) Mark 15 v 25 to 47Pastor Harley Download 2022.332
26th May (Gospel Message) Matthew 7 v 14 and 26Pastor Harley Download 2022.331
21st May (Bible Study) Song of Solomon 3 Pastor Harley Download 2022.330
19th May (Teaching Message) Mark 15 v 1 to 25Pastor Harley Download 2022.329
14th May (Bible Study) Song of Solomon 2 Pastor Harley Download 2022.327
12th May (Teaching Message) Mark 14 v 43 to 72Pastor Harley Download 2022.326
12th May (Gospel Message) 1 Samue l7 v 3Mr. Joel Toms Download 2022.325
7th May (Bible Study) Song of Solomon 1 v 8 to 2 v 5 Pastor Harley Download 2022.324
5th May (Teaching Message) Jeremiah 50 v 4 and 5 part 2Rev Neil Pfeiffer Download 2022.323
5th May (Gospel Message) Jeremiah 50 v 4 and 5 part 3Rev Neil Pfeiffer Download 2022.322
4th May (Special Service) Anniversary 2024 Jeremiah 50 v 4 and 5 Part 1Rev Neil PfeifferDownload 2022.321
30th April (Bible Study) Song of Solomon 1 v 1 to 7 Pastor Harley Download 2022.320
28th April (Teaching Message) Colossians 2 v 3Prof. Andy McIntosh Download 2022.319
28th April (Gospel Message) 2 Corinthians 4 v 6 Prof. Andy McIntosh Download 2022.318
21st April (Teaching Message) James 2 v 1 to 13Pastor Jeff Avery Download 2022.317
21st April (Gospel Message) Matthew 25 v 14 to 30 Pastor Jeff Avery Download 2022.316
14th April (Teaching Message) Mark 14 v 27 to 42Pastor Harley Download 2022.315
14th April (Gospel Message) Ecclesiastes 12 v 5 Pastor Harley Download 2022.314
9th April (Bible Study) Ezra 10 Pastor Harley Download 2022.313
7th April (Teaching Message) Mark1 4 v 12 to 26Pastor Harley Download 2022.312
7th April (Gospel Message) Hebrews 9 v 27 and 28 Pastor Harley Download 2022.311
2nd April (Bible Study) Ezra 9 Pastor Harley Download 2022.310
31st March (Teaching Message) Romans 4 v 24 and 25Pastor Harley Download 2022.309
31st March (Gospel Message) 1 Corinthians 15 v 35 to 54 Pastor Harley Download 2022.308
29th March (Good Friday) John 19 v 30 Pastor Harley Download 2022.307
24th March (Teaching Message) Mark 14 v 1 to 11Pastor Harley Download 2022.306
19th March (Bible Study) Ezra 8 Pastor Harley Download 2022.305
17th March (Teaching Message) Deuteronomy 31 v 6Rev. Malcolm Watts Download 2022.304
17th March (Gospel Message) Matthew 11 v 28 Rev. Malcolm WattsDownload 2022.303
12th March (Bible Study) Ezra 7 Pastor Harley Download 2022.302
10th March (Teaching Message) James 1 v 21 to 27 Pastor Jeff Avery Download 2022.301
10th March (Gospel Message) Matthew 25 v 1 to 13 Pastor HarleyDownload 2022.300
2nd March (Teaching Message) Mark 13 v 24 to 37 Pastor Harley Download 2022.299
2nd March (Gospel Message) Psalm 2 v 12 Pastor HarleyDownload 2022.298
27th February (Bible Study) Ezra 5 and 6 Pastor Harley Download 2022.297
25th February (Teaching Message) Genesis 22 v 1 to 14 Mr. Nathan TomsDownload 2022.296
25th February (Gospel Message) Job 19 v 25 to 29 Mr. Nathan TomsDownload 2022.295
20th February (Bible Study) Ezra 4 Pastor Harley Download 2022.294
18th February (Teaching Message) Mark 13 v 9 to 23 Pastor HarleyDownload 2022.293
18th February (Gospel Message) 1 Timothy 1 v 12 to 17 Pastor HarleyDownload 2022.292
13th February (Bible Study) Ezra 3 Pastor Harley Download 2022.291
11th February (Teaching Message) Mark 13 v 1 to 8 Pastor HarleyDownload 2022.290
11th February (Gospel Message) Romans 10 v 11 to 13 Pastor HarleyDownload 2022.289
6th February (Bible Study) Ezra 2 Pastor Harley Download 2022.288
4th February (Teaching Message) Mark 12 v 28 to 44 Pastor HarleyDownload 2022.287
4th February (Gospel Message) Genesis 3 v 9 Pastor HarleyDownload 2022.286
30th January (Bible Study) Ezra 1 Pastor Harley Download 2022.285
28th January (Teaching Message) Mark 12 v 13 to 27 Pastor HarleyDownload 2022.284
28th January (Gospel Message) Genesis 6 v 3 Pastor HarleyDownload 2022.283
23rd January (Bible Study) 1 Corinthians 15 v 40 to 58 Pastor Harley Download 2022.282
21st January (Teaching Message) Mark 12 v 1 to 12 Pastor HarleyDownload 2022.281
21st January (Gospel Message) Hebrews 12 v 25 Pastor HarleyDownload 2022.281
14th January (Teaching Message) James 1 v 19 and 20 Pastor Jeff AveryDownload 2022.281
14th January (Gospel Message) Luke 15 Pastor Jeff AveryDownload 2022.280
7th January (Teaching Message) 2Chronicles 29 v 36 Pastor HarleyDownload 2022.279
7th January (Gospel Message) Romans 1 v 17 Pastor Harley Download 2022.278
2nd January (Bible Study) Matthew 7 v 7 to 12 Pastor Harley Download 2022.277
31st December (Teaching Message) Revelation 22 Pastor HarleyDownload 2022.276
31st December (Gospel Message) John 4 v 1 to 26 Pastor Harley Download 2022.275
25th December (Christmas Day) Colossians 2 v 9 and 10 Pastor Harley Download 2022.274
24th December (Teaching Message) Matthew 1 v 18 to 25 Pastor HarleyDownload 2022.273
24th December (Gospel Message) Luke 2 v 1 to 19 Pastor Harley Download 2022.272
19th December (Bible Study) 2 Thesalonians 2 Pastor Harley Download 2022.271
17th December (Teaching Message) Mark 11 v 15 to 33 Pastor HarleyDownload 2022.270
17th December (Gospel Message) John 20 v 19 to 29 Pastor Harley Download 2022.269
12th December (Bible Study) 2 Peter 3 Pastor Harley Download 2022.268
10th December (Teaching Message) Mark 11 v 1 to 14 Pastor HarleyDownload 2022.267
10th December (Gospel Message) 1 John 1 v 7 to 10 Pastor Harley Download 2022.266
3rd December (Teaching Message) Mark 10 v 46 to 52 Pastor HarleyDownload 2022.265
3rd December (Gospel Message) Luke 21 v 28 Pastor Harley Download 2022.264
28th November (Bible Study) 2 Peter 3 Pastor Harley Download 2022.263
26th November (Teaching Message) Mark 10 v 28 to 45 Pastor HarleyDownload 2022.262
26th November (Gospel Message) Luke 16 v 19 to 31 Pastor Harley Download 2022.261
21st November (Bible Study) 2 Peter 2 Pastor Harley Download 2022.260
19th November (Gospel Message) John 3 v 1 to 17 Pastor Harley Download 2022.259
14th November (Bible Study) Ecclesiastes 11 Mr. Graham Chewter Download 2022.258
12th November (Teaching Message) Mark 10 v 1 to 16 Pastor HarleyDownload 2022.257
12th November (Gospel Message) Isaiah 64 Pastor Harley Download 2022.256
7th November (Bible Study) 2 Peter 1 v 16 to 21 Pastor Harley Download 2022.255
5th November (Teaching Message) Mark 9 v 38 to 50 Pastor HarleyDownload 2022.254
5th November (Gospel Message) Psalm 32 v 1 to 5 Pastor Harley Download 2022.253
31st October (Bible Study) 1Peter 1 v 5 to 15 Pastor Harley Download 2022.252
29th October (Teaching Message) Mark 9 v 14 to 37 Pastor HarleyDownload 2022.251
29th October (Goospel Message) Romans 3 v 10 Pastor Harley Download 2022.250
22nd October (Teaching Message) 1 Samuel 12 v 21 to 25 Mr. Nathan Toms Download 2022.249
22nd October (Gospel Message) Luke 14 v 17 Mr. Nathan Toms Download 2022.248
15th October (Teaching Message) Jonah Mr. John Baker Download 2022.247
15th October (Gospel Message) Matthew 13 v 44 to 46 Mr. Joel Toms Download 2022.246
8th October (Teaching Message) Mark 9 v 1 to 10 (poor audio quality) Pastor Harley Download 2022.245
8th October (Gospel Message) 1 John 3 v 1 to 3 (poor audio quality) Pastor Harley Download 2022.244
3rd October (Bible Study) 2 Peter 1 v 1 to 4 Pastor Harley Download 2022.243
1st October (Teaching Message) Mark 8 v 7 to 33 Pastor Harley Download 2022.242
1st October (Gospel Message) Hebrews 3 v 7 to 19 Pastor Harley Download 2022.241
26th September (Bible Study) 2 Timothy 1 v 12 Pastor Harley Download 2022.240
24th September (Teaching Message) Mark 8 v 1 to 26 Pastor Harley Download 2022.239
24th September (Gospel Message) Isaiah 53 v 6 Pastor Harley Download 2022.238
19th September (Bible Study) Psalm 51 Pastor Harley Download 2022.237
17th September (Teaching Message) Matthew 5 v 13 David Cordle Download 2022.236
17th September (Gospel Message) John 12 v 24 David Cordle Download 2022.235
10th September (Teaching Message) Mark 7 v 24 to 37 Pastor Harley Download 2022.234
10th September (Gospel Message) Luke 4 v 18 and 19 Pastor Harley Download 2022.233
5th September (Bible Study) Psalm 42 Pastor Harley Download 2022.232
3rd September (Teaching Message) Mark 7 v 14 to 23 Pastor Harley Download 2022.231
3rd September (Gospel Message) Hebrews 2 v 3 Pastor Harley Download 2022.230
27th August (Teaching Message) Mark 7 v 1 to 13 Pastor Harley Download 2022.229
27th August (Gospel Message) John 14 v 6 Pastor Harley Download 2022.228
22nd August (Bible Study) Psalm 87 Pastor Harley Download 2022.227
20th August (Teaching Message) Mark 6 v 46 to 56 Pastor Harley Download 2022.226
20th August (Gospel Message) Matthew 10 v 28 and Luke 12 v 4 and 5 Pastor Harley Download 2022.225
15th August (Bible Study) Psalm 121 Pastor Harley Download 2022.224
13th August (Teaching Message) Mark 6 v 30 to 44 Pastor Harley Download 2022.223
13th August (Gospel Message) Luke 15 Pastor Harley Download 2022.222
8th August (Bible Study) Psalm 71 Pastor Harley Download 2022.221
6th August (Teaching Message) Mark 6 v 14 to 29 Pastor Harley Download 2022.220
6th August (Gospel Message) Acts 17 v 16 to 34 Pastor Harley Download 2022.219
1st August (Bible Study) Proverbs 23 v 26 Pastor Harley Download 2022.218
30th July (Teaching Message) James 1 v 1 to 4 Mr. Jeff Avery Download 2022.217
30th July (Gospel Message) Jacobs Conversion Mr. Jeff Avery Download 2022.216
25th July (Bible Study) Revelation 13 Pastor Harley Download 2022.215
23rd July (Teaching Message) Mark 6 v 1 to 13 Pastor Harley Download 2022.214
23rd July (Gospel Message) Malachi 3 v 6 Mr. Joel Toms Download 2022.213
18th July (Bible Study) Christians In Extremities Pastor Harley Download 2022.212
16th July (Teaching Message) Mark 5 v 22 to 32 Pastor Harley Download 2022.211
16th July (Gospel Message) Matthew 7 v 13 and 14 Pastor Harley Download 2022.210
11th July (Bible Study) 2 Chronicles 14 and 15 Pastor Harley Download 2022.209
9th July (Teaching Message) Micah 7 Pastor Harley Download 2022.208
9th July (Gospel Message) Hebrews 2 v 3 Pastor Harley Download 2022.207
4th July (Bible Study) Psalm 31 Pastor Harley Download 2022.206
2nd July (Teaching Message) Mark 5 v 24 to 34 Pastor Harley Download 2022.205
2nd July (Gospel Message) John 1 v 29 and 36 Pastor Harley Download 2022.204
27th June (Bible Study) Lamentations 3 v 33 Pastor Harley Download 2022.203
25th June (Teaching Message) Mark 5 v 1 to 20 Pastor Harley Download 2022.202
25th June (Gospel Message) Micah 7 v 18 Pastor Harley Download 2022.201
20th June (Bible Study) Psalm 94 Pastor Harley Download 2022.200
18th June (Teaching Message) Mark 4 v 35 Pastor Harley Download 2022.199
18th June (Gospel Message) 2 Corinthians 8 v 9 Pastor Harley Download 2022.198
13th June (Bible Study) Revelation 1 Pastor Harley Download 2022.197
11th June (Teaching Message) Mark 4 v 1 to 20 Pastor Harley Download 2022.196
6th June (Bible Study) Isaiah 66 Pastor Harley Download 2022.195
4th June (Teaching Message) Mark 4 v 1 to 20 Pastor Harley Download 2022.194
4th June (Gospel Message) Revelation 12 v 11 Pastor Harley Download 2022.193
30th May (Bible Study) Isaiah 65 Pastor Harley Download 2022.192
28th May (Teaching Message) Mark 3 v 7 to 35 Pastor Harley Download 2022.191
28th May (Gospel Message) Psalm 32Pastor Harley Download 2022.190
23rd May (Bible Study) Isaiah 64 Pastor Harley Download 2022.189
21st May (Teaching Message) Psalm 73 Pastor Harley Download 2022.188
21st May (Gospel Message) James 1 v 17Pastor Harley Download 2022.187
20th May (Gospel Message) Friston Anniversary 2023Pastor Harley Download 2022.186
16th May (Bible Study) Isaiah 64 Pastor Harley Download 2022.185
14th May (Teaching Message) Mark 3v 1 to 6 Pastor Harley Download 2022.184
14th May (Gospel Message) John 8 v 24Pastor Harley Download 2022.183
9th May (Bible Study) Isaiah 61 v 4 to 11 Pastor Harley Download 2022.182
7th May (Teaching Message) Mark 2 v 13 to 28 Pastor Harley Download 2022.181
7th May (Gospel Message) John 8 v 24Pastor Harley Download 2022.180
2nd May (Bible Study) Isaiah 61 Pastor Harley Download 2022.179
30th April (Teaching Message) Psalm 77 v 7 to 9 Bryan Miles Download 2022.178
30th April (Gospel Message) Hebrews 9 v 27 and 28Bryan Miles Download 2022.177
23rd April (Teaching Message) Genesis 34 Jeff Avery Download 2022.176
23rd April (Gospel Message) Luke 9 v 57 to 62Jeff Avery Download 2022.175
16th April (Teaching Message) Mark 2 v 1 to 12 Pastor Harley Download 2022.174
16th April (Gospel Message) John 20 v 29Pastor Harley Download 2022.173
11th April (Bible Study) Isaiah 60Pastor Harley Download 2022.172
9th April (Teaching Message) Luke 20 v 38 Pastor Harley Download 2022.171
9th April (Gospel Message) John 11 v 1 to 46Pastor Harley Download 2022.170
7th April (Good Friday) John 12 v 32Pastor Harley Download 2022.169
2nd April (Teaching Message) John 15 v 16 Mr. Nathan Toms Download 2022.168
2nd April (Gospel Message) Matthew 7 v 13 and 14Mr. Joel Toms Download 2022.167
26th March (Teaching Message) Mark 1 v 32 to 45 Pastor Harley Download 2022.166
26th March (Gospel Message) 1 Corinthians 5 v 18 to 20 Pastor Harley Download 2022.167
19th March (Teaching Message) Mark 1 v 12 to 31 Pastor Harley Download 2022.166
19th March (Gospel Message) Gods Mercy Pastor Harley Download 2022.165
14th March (Bible Study) Isaiah 58 Pastor Harley Download 2022.164
12th March (Teaching Message) Mark 1 v 1 to 11 Pastor Harley Download 2022.163
12th March (Gospel Message) Matthew 24 v 44 Pastor Harley Download 2022.162
5th March (Teaching Message) Mattthew 12 v 42 Pastor Harley Download 2022.161
5th March (Gospel Message) 2 Thessalonians 2 v 11 Pastor Harley Download 2022.160
28th February (Bible Study) Isaiah 57 Pastor Harley Download 2022.159
26th February (Teaching Message) Numbers 15 v 37 to 39 Mr. Nathan Toms Download 2022.158
26th February (Gospel Message) 2 Samuel 14 v 14 Mr. Nathan Toms Download 2022.157
19th February (Teaching Message) Hebrews 4 v 15Pastor Harley Download 2022.156
19th February (Gospel Message) None other nameMr. Joel Toms Download 2022.155
14th February (Bible Study) Isaiah 56Pastor Harley Download 2022.154
12th February (Teaching Message) Romans 9 v 11Pastor Harley Download 2022.153
12th February (Gospel Message) Mark 8 v 27Pastor Harley Download 2022.152
7th February (Bible Study) Isaiah 55 v 8 to 13Pastor Harley Download 2022.151
5th February (Teaching Message) Matthew 28 v 16 to 20Pastor Harley Download 2022.150
5th February (Gospel Message) Luke 10 v 25 to 37Pastor Harley Download 2022.149
31st January (Bible Study) Isaiah 55Pastor Harley Download 2022.148
29th January (Teaching Message) Matthew 27 v 55 to 28 to 15Pastor Harley Download 2022.147
29th January (Gospel Message) Matthew 22 v 14Pastor Harley Download 2022.146
24th January (Bible Study) Isaiah 54Pastor Harley Download 2022.145
22nd January (Teaching Message) Matthew 27 v 26 to 54Pastor Harley Download 2022.144
22nd January (Gospel Message) Revelation 20 v 11 to 15Pastor Harley Download 2022.143
17th January (Bible Study) John 1 v 18Pastor Harley Download 2022.142
15th January (Teaching Message) Matthew 27 v 1 to 25Pastor Harley Download 2022.142
15th January (Gospel Message) John 21 v 1to 14Pastor Harley Download 2022.141
10th January (Bible Study) Zechariah 4 v 10Pastor Harley Download 2022.140
8th January (Teaching Message) Hebrews 11 v 10 Pastor Harley Download 2022.139
8th January (Gospel Message) 1 Samuel 7 v 12Pastor Harley Download 2022.138
1st January (Teaching Message) Psalm27v14 Mr. Joel Toms Download 2022.137
25th December (Teaching Message) Matthew2v1to12Pastor Harley Download 2022.136
25th December (Gospel Message) Luke 2 v 1 to 20 Pastor Harley Download 2022.135
18th December (Teaching Message) Matthew 1 v 20 to 23 Pastor Harley Download 2022.134
18th December (Gospel Message) Isaiah 9 v 6 and 7 Pastor Harley Download 2022.133
11th December (Teaching Message) Luke 1 v 26 to 45 Pastor Harley Download 2022.132
11th December (Gospel Message) John 1 v 12 Pastor Harley Download 2022.131
6th December (Bible Study) Isaiah 53 v 10 to 12 Pator Harley Download 2022.130
4th December (Teaching Message) Matthew 27 v 1 to 25 Pastor Harley Download 2022.129
4th December (Gospel Message) John 6 v 45 Pastor Harley Download 2022.128
29th October (TBS Deputation Meeting) Isaiah 53 v 4 to 9 Pator Harley Download 2022.127
27th November (Teaching Message) Matthew 26 v 57 to 75 Pastor Harley Download 2022.126
27th November (Gospel Message) Gospel In Hosea Pastor Harley Download 2022.125
22nd October (TBS Deputation Meeting) Isaiah 53 v 1 to 3 Pator Harley Download 2022.124
20th November (Teaching Message) John 11 v 6 Mr. Nathan Toms Download 2022.123
20th November (Gospel Message) Jude 15 Mr. Nathan Toms Download 2022.122
15th October (TBS Deputation Meeting) Jeremiah 6 v 16 Mr. Graham Chewter Download 2022.121
13th November (Teaching Message) Matthew 26 v 46 to 56 Pastor Harley Download 2022.120
13th November (Gospel Message) Habakuk 3 v 17 to 19 Pastor Harley Download 2022.119
6th November (Teaching Message) Proverbs 29 v 25 Mr. John Baker Download 2022.118
6th November (Gospel Message) Job 19 v 25 Mr. Joel Toms Download 2022.117
30th October (Teaching Message) Matthew 26 v 31 to 46 Pastor Harley Download 2022.116
30th October (Gospel Message) 1 John 1 Pastor Harley Download 2022.115
25th October (Bible Study) Isaiah 52 Pastor Harley Download 2022.114
23rd October (Teaching Message) Matthew 26 v 17 to 30 Pastor Harley Download 2022.113
23rd October (Gospel Message) Ezekiel 16 v 6 Pastor Harley Download 2022.112
18th October (Bible Study) Isaiah 51 Pastor Harley Download 2022.111
16th October (Teaching Message) Matthew 26 v 1 to 16 Pastor Harley Download 2022.110
16th October (Gospel Message) Jeremiah 17 v 9 Pastor Harley Download 2022.109
9th October (Teaching Message) Matthew 25 v 31 to 46 Pastor Harley Download 2022.108
9th October (Gospel Message) Luke 15 Pastor Harley Download 2022.107
4th October (Bible Study) Isaiah 50 Pasto Harley Download 2022.106
2nd October (Teaching Message) Matthew 25 v 1 to 30 Pastor Harley Download 2022.105
2nd October (Gospel Message) 1 Kings 18 v 21 Pastor Harley Download 2022.104
27th September (Bible Study) Isaiah 49 v 15 to 26 Pastor Harley Download 2022.103
25th September (Teaching Message) Matthew 24 v 32 Pastor Harley Download 2022.102
25th September (Gospel Message) 1 Corinthians 15 v 54 Pastor Harley Download 2022.101
20th September (Bible Study) Isaiah 49 v 1 to 13 Pastor Harley Download 2022.100
18th September (Teaching Message) Psalm 107 v 8 David Cordle Download 2022.099
18th September (Gospel Message) Psalm 18 v 2 David Cordle Download 2022.098
13th September (Bible Study) Isaiah 48 Pastor Harley Download 2022.097
11th September (Teaching Message) Psalm 46 Pastor Harley Download 2022.096
11th September (Gospel Message) Isaiah 55 v 1 to 9 Pastor Harley Download 2022.096
6th September (Bible Study) Isaiah 47 Pastor Harley Download 2022.096
4th September (Teaching Message) Matthew 24 v 15 to 31 Pastor Harley Download 2022.095
4th September (Gospel Message) Hebrews 9 v 27 Pastor Harley Download 2022.094
30th August (Bible Study) Isaiah 46 Pastor Harley Download 2022.093
28th August (Teaching Message) Colossians 3 v 22 to 25 Mr. Nathan Toms Download 2022.092
28th August (Gospel Message) John 10 v 9 Mr. Nathan Toms Download 2022.091
23st August (Bible Study) Isaiah 45 Pastor Harley Download 2022.090
21st August (Teaching Message) Matthew 24 v 1 to 14 Pastor Harley Download 2022.090
21st August (Gospel Message) Revelation 22 v 17 Pastor Harley Download 2022.089
14th August (Teaching Message) Revelation 7 v 15 to 17 Mr. Bryan Miles Download 2022.088
14th August (Gospel Message) Psalm 29 v 3 to 9 Mr. Bryan Miles Download 2022.087
9th August (Bible Study) Isaiah 44 v 1 to 26 Pastor Harley Download 2022.086
7th August (Teaching Message) Matthew 23 v 34 to 24 v 13 Pastor Harley Download 2022.085
7th August (Gospel Message) 2 Timothy 1 v 12 Pastor Harley Download 2022.084
31st July (Teaching Message) Matthew 23 v 1 to 33 Pastor Harley Download/td> 2022.083
31st July (Gospel Message) John 6 v 67 and 68 Pastor Harley Download/td> 2022.082
26th July (Bible Study) Isaiah 43 Pastor Harley Download/td> 2022.081
24th July (Teaching Message) Matthew 22 v 23 to 46 Pastor Harley Download 2022.080
24th July (Gospel Message) John 6 v 67 and 68 Pastor Harley Download 2022.079
19th July (Bible Study) Isaiah 42 Pastor Harley Download 2022.078
17th July (Teaching Message) Matthew 22 v 1 to 22 Pastor Harley Download 2022.077
17th July (Gospel Message) Acts 4 v 12 Pastor Harley Download 2022.076
12th July (Bible Study) Isaiah 41 Pastor Harley Download 2022.075
10th July (Teaching Message) Matthew 21 v 23 to 46 Pastor Harley Download 2022.074
10th July (Gospel Message) Matthew 12 v 20 Pastor Harley Download 2022.073
5th July (Bible Study) Isaiah 40 v 28 to 31 Pastor Harley Download 2022.073
3rd July (Teaching Message) Matthew 21 v 1 to 22 Pastor Harley Download 2022.072
3rd July (Gospel Message) 1 John 4 v 10 Pastor Harley Download 2022.071
26th June (Teaching Message) Ezekiel 22 v 30 Mr. Nathan Toms Download 2022.070
26th June (Gospel Message) Joseph Type of Christ Mr. Joel Toms Download 2022.069
19th June (Teaching Message) Matthew 20 v 20 to 34 Pastor Harley Download 2022.068
19th June (Gospel Message) Joel 2 v 25 Pastor Harley Download 2022.067
12th June (Teaching Message) Matthew 20 v 1 to 16 Pastor Harley Download 2022.066
12th June (Gospel Message) 2 Peter 3 v 9 Pastor Harley Download 2022.065
7th June (Bible Study) Isaiah 40 v 1 to 8 Pastor Harley Download 2022.064
5th June (Teaching Message) Matthew 19 v 13 to 30 Pastor Harley Download 2022.063
5th June (Gospel Message) 1 John 1 v 9 Pastor Harley Download 2022.062
29th May (Teaching Message) Matthew 19 v 1 to 12 Pastor Harley Download 2022.061
29th May (Gospel Message) Isaiah 38 v 17 Pastor Harley Download 2022.060
24th May (Bible Study) Isaiah 39 Pastor Harley Download 2022.059
22nd May (Teaching Message) Matthew 18 v 15 to 35 Pastor Harley Download 2022.058
22nd May (Gospel Message) James 5 v 19 Pastor Harley Download 2022.057
17th May (Bible Study) Isaiah 38 Pastor Harley Download 2022.056
15th May (Teaching Message) Matthew 18 v 1 to 14 Pastor Harley Download 2022.055
15th May (Gospel Message) Luke 23 v 32 to 43 Pastor Harley Download 2022.054
10th May (Bible Study) Isaiah 37 v 8 to 38 Pastor Harley Download 2022.053
8th May (Teaching Message) Psalm 118 Rev. Kyle Paisley Download 2022.052
8th May (Gospel Message) John19 v 30 Rev. Kyle Paisley Download 2022.051
7th May (Anniversary Service) Acts 21 v 8 Rev. Kyle Paisley Download 2022.050
3rd May (Bible Study) Isaiah 36 to 37 v 7 Pastor Harley Download 2022.049
5th May (Teaching Message) Matthew 17 v 14 to 27 Pastor Harley Download 2022.048
5th May (Gospel Message) Revelation 3 v20 Pastor Harley Download 2022.047
26th April (Bible Study) Isaiah 34 and 35 Pastor Harley Download 2022.046
5th May (Teaching Message) Matthew 17 v 14 to 27 Pastor Harley Download 2022.048
5th May (Gospel Message) Revelation 3 v20 Pastor Harley Download 2022.047
26th April (Bible Study) Isaiah 34 and 35 Pastor Harley Download 2022.046
24th April (Teaching Message) Matthew 17 v 1 to 13 Pastor Harley Download 2022.045
24th April (Gospel Message) Mark 6 v 46 to 52 Mr. Joel Toms Download 2022.044
17th April (Gospel Message) 1 John 2 v 1 Mr. John Baker Download 2022.043
15th April (Good Friday Service) Matthew 27 v 46 Pastor Harley Download 2022.042
10th April (Teaching Message) Colossiansv 1 v 18 Pastor Harley Download 2022.041
10th April (Gospel Message) Isaiah 1 v 18 Pastor Harley Download 2022.040
5th April (Bible Study) Philippians 3 v 13 and 14 Pastor Harley Download 2022.039
3rd April (Teaching Message) Romans 8 Mr. Nathan Toms Download 2022.038
3rd April (Gospel Message) Luke 16 v 19 to 31 Pastor Harley Download 2022.037
20th March (Teaching Message) Matthew 16 v 20 to 28 Pastor Harley Download 2022.036
20th March (Gospel Message) Revelation 22 v 17 Pastor Harley Download 2022.035
15th March (Bible Study) Isaiah 31 v 1 to 32 v 8 Pastor Harley Download 2022.034
20th March (Teaching Message) Matthew 16 v 20 to 28 Pastor Harley Download 2022.033
20th March (Gospel Message) Revelation 22 v 17 Pastor Harley Download 2022.032
15th March (Bible Study) Isaiah 31 v 1 to 32 v 8 Pastor Harley Download 2022.031
13th March (Teaching Message) Matthew 16 v 1 to 20 Pastor Harley Download 2022.030
13th March (Gospel Message) John 4 v 1 to 26 Pastor Harley Download 2022.029
8th March (Bible Study) Isaiah 30 Pastor Harley Download 2022.028
6th March (Teaching Message) Matthew 15 v 21 to 39 Pastor Harley Download 2022.027
6th March (Gospel Message) Acts 2 v 40 Pastor Harley Download 2022.026
27th February (Teaching Message) Matthew 14 v 34 to 15 v 20 Pastor Harley Download 2022.025
27th February (Gospel Message) John 20 v 29 Pastor Harley Download 2022.024
22nd February (Bible Study) Isaiah 29 Pastor Harley Download 2022.023
20th February (Teaching Message) Mattthew 14 v 13 to 33 Pastor Harley Download 2022.022
20th February (Gospel Message) Exodus 14 v 1 to 18 Mr. Joel Toms Download 2022.021
15th February (Bible Study) Isaiah 28 v 14 to 29 Pastor Harley Download 2022.020
13th February (Teaching Message) Matthew14 v 1 to 12 Pastor Harley Download 2022.019
13th February (Gospel Message) 1 John 5 v 7 to 13 Mr. Nathan Toms Download 2022.018
8th February (Bible Study) Isaiah 28 v1 to 13 Pastor Harley Download 2022.017
6th February (Teaching Message) Matthew 13 v 44 to 58 Pastor Harley Download 2022.016
6th February (Gospel Message) Mark 10 v 17 to 27 Pastor Harley Download 2022.015
1st February (Bible Study) Isaiah 27 Pastor Harley Download 2022.014
30th January (Teaching Message) Matthew 13 v 24 to 43 Pastor Harley Download 2022.013
30th January (Gospel Message) Jeremiah 31 v 3 Pastor Harley Download 2022.012
25th January (Bible Study) Isaiah 26 Pastor Harley Download 2022.011
23rd January (Teaching Message) Matthew 13 v 1 to 23 Pastor Harley Download 2022.010
23rd January (Gospel Message) Acts 17 v 22 to 31 Pastor Harley Download 2022.009
18th January (Bible Study) Isaiah 25 Pastor Harley Download 2022.008
16th January (Teaching Message) Matthew 12 v 46 to 50 Pastor Harley Download 2022.007
16th January (Gospel Message) King Manasseh Pastor Harley Download 2022.006
9th January (Teaching Message) Doctrines Of Creation Prof. Andy McIntosh Download 2022.005
9th January (Gospel Message) Genesis 18 Prof. Andy McIntosh Download 2022.004
8th January (Friston_YP) Who am I- Just molecules? Prof. Andy McIntosh Download 2022.003
2nd January (Teaching Message) Matthew 5 v 13 to 16 Mr. Peter Bell Download 2022.002
2nd January (Gospel Message) Hebrews 5 v 11 to 14 Mr. Peter Bell Download 2022.001
5th December (Teaching Message) Matthew 13 v 32 Mr. Mark Riedel Download 2021.131
5th December (Gospel Message) Matthew 2 v 1 to 12 Mr. Mark Riedel Download 2021.130
19th December (Gospel Message) Matthew 5 v 14 to 16 Mr. Joel Toms Download 2021.128
14th November (Gospel Message) Matthew 13 v 24 Mr.Jon Parsons Download 2021.120
7th November (Gospel Message) Matthew 25 v 14 to 30 Mr. Mark Riedel Download 2021.118
31st October (Gospel Message) Matthew 11 v 23 and 24 Mr. Bryan Miles Download 2021.100
11th July (Teaching Message) Matthew 28 v 20 Mark Riedel Download 2021.081
Church and Pastor's Anniversary Service 1st May 2021 (Church Anniversary) Matthew 5 v 21 to 48 Rev. Edward Malcolm Download 2021.050
7th February (Gospel Message) Matthew 11 v 28 to 30 Rev. G. R. Burrows Download 2021.016

Matthew series' started in 2021 and completed above
3rd October (Teaching Message) Matthew 12 v 31 to 45 Pastor Harley ( Download )
26th September (Teaching Message) Matthew 12 v 32 Pastor Harley ( Download )
12th September (Teaching Message) Matthew 12 v 1 to 14 Pastor Harley ( Download )
5th September (Teaching Message) Matthew 11 v 16 to 30 Pastor Harley ( Download )
29th August (Teaching Message) Matthew 11 v 1 to 15 Pastor Harley ( Download )
22nd August (Teaching Message) Matthew 10 v 32 to 42 Pastor Harley ( Download )
15th August (Teaching Message) Matthew 10 v 16 to 31 Pastor Harley ( Download )
3rd August (Teaching Message) Matthew 9 v 27 to 38 Pastor Harley ( Download )
25th July (Teaching Message) Matthew 9 v 16 to 26 Pastor Harley ( Download )
18th July (Teaching Message) Matthew 9 v 1 to 15 Pastor Harley ( Download )
4th July (Teaching Message) Matthew 8 v 18 to 34 Pastor Harley ( Missing )
27th June (Teaching Message) Matthew 8 v 14 to 18 Pastor Harley ( Download )
20th June (Teaching Message) Matthew 7 v 15 to 29 Pastor Harley ( Download )
13th June (Teaching Message) Matthew 7 v 15 to 29 Pastor Harley ( Download )
6th June (Teaching Message) Matthew 7 v 1 to 14 Pastor Harley ( Download )
30th May (Teaching Message) Matthew 6 v 19 to 34 Pastor Harley ( Download )
16th May (Teaching Message) Matthew 6 v 8 to 15 Pastor Harley ( Download )
9th May (Teaching Message) Matthew 6 v 1 to 15 Pastor Harley ( Download )
25th April (Teaching Message) Matthew 5 v 21 to 48 Pastor Harley ( Download )
18th April (Teaching Message) Matthew 5 v 13 to 20 Pastor Harley ( Download )
11th April (Teaching Message) Matthew 5 v 1 to 12 Pastor Harley ( Download )
28th March (Teaching Message) Matthew 4 v 12 to 25 Pastor Harley ( Download )
21st March (Teaching Message) Matthew 4 v 1 to 11 Pastor Harley ( Download )
14th March (Teaching Message) Matthew 3 v 1 to 15 Pastor Harley (Download )
14th March (Gospel Message) Matthew 3 v 16 and 17 Pastor Harley (Download )
7th March (Teaching Message) Matthew 2 Pastor Harley (Download )
28th February (Teaching Message) Matthew 1 v 18 to 25 Pastor Harley (Download )
21st February (Teaching Message) Matthew 1 v 1 to 17 Pastor Harley (Download )


Friston Baptist Church: www.fristonbaptistsuffolk.org.uk